I had this update filled out on Tuesday when I really was 30 weeks. I had to wait until I could get online and post it. I will post a picture to accompany it once we get our new place and a better internet connection.

Week 30

Weekly Updates:

How far along: 30 weeks – 75% of the way there!

Baby’s size: Large Cabbage – Your baby rival a good-size cabbage in weight, tipping the scales this week at 3 pounds. (Length: about 15.75 inches, head to heel.)

Sleep: It has been rough because of the traveling and what not, but hoping it gets better once we stop traveling.

Maternity Clothes:  Yeppers. They are still just larger size. Nothing is Maternity specific yet.

Food Cravings: I have been craving hamburgers lately. I think it is just because of the traveling and I haven’t been eating the protein I am use to.

Food Aversions: Still having a hard time with spicy things.

Symptoms I have: The hemorrhoids have almost gone away. I have been watching my fiber intake and taking stool softeners and laxatives.

Doctor’s Appointment: Waiting until we get into Seattle to schedule one, so none on the address book yet.

Movement:  Feeling Sprout daily. Darrell feels the kicks every now and then.

Belly Button: Level.

Gender: Team Yellow!

What I’m looking forward to:  Getting situated in Seattle and nesting a little bit.

What I miss: Doing things without running out of breath. I am starting to have a hard time putting on my shoes and socks.

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