Sorry this is a little late. We have been extremely busy here the last few days. Today is my day for a break, so I figured I should get this done before the weekend hits and we get busy packing again. ๐Ÿ™‚

27 Weeks

Weekly Updates:

How far along: 27 weeks

Baby’s size: Head of Cauliflower – Your baby is as hefty as a head of cauliflower, weighing in at almost 2 pounds. (Length: about 14.5 inches)

Sleep: Sleep has been great! We got rid of our bedroom set, so we had to switch to the futon bed which I was not looking forward to. The first night was rough, but the other nights have been fabulous! I slept like a log!

Maternity Clothes: Yep. Even though my stretchy jeans are starting to fit regularly which means I might need another pair before the end.

Food Cravings: Same as last week.

Food Aversions: Same as last week.

Symptoms I have: My pelvic pain has been slightly easier and not so painful lately. However, that heartburn is really starting to kick in. I seem to get it every night no matter what.

Doctor’s Appointment: Our Midwife had to reschedule our appointment since she is in Arkansas waiting to deliver her grandson. So now we have a Midwife appointment next Monday, 3/11, and then our MFM ultrasound on 3/13.

Movement: I still feel Sprout regularly unless I am extremely busy and donโ€™t focus. Darrell has only felt a few kicks in the last week though.

Belly Button: Level.

Gender: Team Yellow!

What I’m looking forward to: Our neighbor is throwing us a baby shower/good-bye party. It should be fun!

What I miss: Iโ€™m really starting to miss being able to move things around by myself. All of my other moves I have been able to box up stuff and move the boxes out of my way before starting another box. Now I have to strategically place a box before packing it so that it can sit there all day once packed until Darrell comes home to move it. Makes packing go a little bit slower. ๐Ÿ™‚

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