So, it is paperwork official!
Last night we signed a contract on the house. We originally got the offer on Valentine’s Day, but we spent a bit of time going back and forth and both sides are happy with the numbers. 🙂
We are currently in option period where the buyer can back out, but they have their inspection set for tomorrow morning and then after the inspection, they will probably clear option allowing the financing paperwork to begin. Assuming they don’t find anything with the inspection they don’t like.
So, basically, as of right now, we are scheduled to close on the house on March 22 which is a measly 30 days away. Even though we mildly expected it knowing that our house is a lot better than the other houses in the area (kitchen and entry-way wise), we are still in shock over the quickness. We were only on the market for 35 days. I guess all the prep work Lorna and I did after Christmas helped.
We were going to travel through California to visit family on our way up to Seattle, but with having the cats with us and me being almost 30 weeks (I will actually be 29 weeks 3 days when we close which is where we were at when we lost Pixel), we have decided that if the weather cooperates, we will probably just straight shot it up to Idaho. We are going to leave the cats with Lorna while we find a place in Seattle. We are sad we won’t get to see a bunch of family, but we will make a road trip after baby is here to travel down the west coast to see family. We haven’t decided when, but it is in our plans.
So, anxiousness and awe are a big thing in our emotions right now as we start focusing on the next stage of our journey. I have a lot to do before March 22 and there isn’t much time to do it overall. I’m glad that we have our doctors appointments all scheduled before then though. It is easier than having to have them reschedule the days and then get all of our records.
*breathe* is a mantra I keep repeating to myself. These next 4 weeks will fly by.