Weekly Updates:
How far along: 26 weeks
Baby’s size: English Hothouse Cucumber – Your baby is as tall as an English hothouse cucumber and weighs about 1 2/3 pounds. (Length: 14 inches, head to heel)
Sleep: Pretty good lately. I go to bed around midnight, get up for the bathroom at 4, wake up with Darrell around 9 and then finally get up around 11. So, all in all, I get about 10 hours of sleep total.
Maternity Clothes: Yep. Even though my stretchy jeans are starting to fit regularly which means I might need another pair before the end.
Food Cravings: No specific cravings this week.
Food Aversions: I am starting to be able to eat some spicy things, but it is still hit or miss.
Symptoms I have: Still having pelvic pain. It isn’t as bad as it was last week, but it is still there.
Doctor’s Appointment: Next Monday with the midwife. Our last one with her before we move.
Movement: I feel Sprout regularly, but Darrell finally got to feel Sprout this morning!
Belly Button: Level.
Gender: Team Yellow!
What I’m looking forward to: Moving and getting settled before Sprout arrives.
What I miss: I’m starting to realize everything we will miss when we finally leave. Maybe it is enhanced by pregnancy hormones, but it still makes me a little sad.