So, last Wednesday (1/2) was our ultrasound that is usually the only ultrasound many women get. I was very anxious going into the ultrasound as all I wanted to hear was good news, but I was preparing myself for bad news.
The news was so good I cried during most of the ultrasound. 🙂
The doctor was very quick at it, and Sprout cooperated enough for him to get all the measurements he needed. It was only about a 10 minute ultrasound, but it was enough to measure everything and for the doctor to inform us that everything looked perfect.
Sprout’s internal organs are all growing like they are suppose to. Sprout’s head is a decent circumference without any added fluid on the brain and all brain matter inside the skull. 🙂
He was able to see all Sprouts fingers and toes and inform us that thus far, no sign of amniotic bands. That was a big one for us. I am fine if something happened and our baby was missing a few fingers or a limb. It would be challenging, but totally workable. However, the bands can cause fatality (as we have already experienced), so it was very relieving to hear that there were none affecting baby. The doctor even checked the blood flow of the umbilical cord just to double check for us.
Sprout’s heart has all four chambers and they are pumping perfectly.
Doctor measured leg bones and arm bones and then let us know that we have a slightly big baby and there is a chance baby could be born early. According to Baby Center, at 18 weeks, Sprout should have been weighing in at approximately 7 ounces. Our baby weighed in at approximately 9 ounces. The MFM said that if Sprout keeps up at this pace, he wouldn’t be surprised if we delivered early. 🙂 I am hoping for late May, but am definitely not holding my breath as things can be wrong.
Normally, I put in some ultrasound photos in these posts. Unfortunately, Sprout cooperated enough to get the measurements, but as Sprout was just waking up (started yawning and moving towards the middle of the ultrasound), we didn’t get any good photos this time. There was one that was hard to read, one of the heartbeat, so it didn’t show much, one of the face yawning which is an ok-ish photo, and the last one is of Sprouts profile, but baby turned while the photo was being taken and so it is pretty funny looking. Maybe the next ultrasound will give us better photos.
We are just so happy that it is a healthy baby and we are excited to really start working on names for Sprout. We know we still have a very long 21 weeks to go, but we are excited to be slowly closing in on the end.