….I just realized that I haven’t really posted much of what we have been up to since late October, except for baby stuff. It isn’t that we aren’t busy, we are just really busy with lots of little things and I do the update on baby so that I remember later. So this post is all about what we have been up to in the last two months. 🙂
We spent Halloween at home. We put up some lights in the garage and just kind of hung out and passed out candy. There weren’t nearly as many trick-or-treaters as there was last year, but still, most of the candy we bought was passed out (We still have a small paper cup full of leftovers).
In early November, we went to the Zoo with Kelly & Liam and walked around having a blast. It was nice seeing all of the new exhibits they have put in lately since we don’t head over there all that often.
We also went with a fellow bagpiper and headed out to Big Spring for the St. Andrews Celebration. We mainly went to hear the pipe band that was playing since they were number 2 in their division in the world. It was pretty cool and we enjoyed listening to the music.
We also spent some time of November working on getting our cats accustomed to the cat door. The directions said it would probably take about a month or so, but we kind of forced them into it by closing them in the garage where the only way back into the house was through the door. Tough love. 🙂 It took about a week and then Poleeko was fine with it, and then a few days later, Zedd got use to it. We played with them through the door each day and gave them treats when they went through it. It was definitely a chore, but so worth it in the end. Now we have the litterbox by the garage door and we can just open the big garage door to air it out. The cats don’t seem to mind it and they seem to enjoy the fact that they have a whole new room to play in whenever they want to.
Thanksgiving was a small event since it was just the two of us at home. We just made a meal and hung around in our pajamas all day. Nothing too exciting.
Our Christmas holidays started off fast and they just haven’t slowed down. I can’t believe that December is already almost over and I still have a super long list of things to do. *sigh*
We headed out to downtown Abilene with some friends and their kids and watched the Christmas parade (which is the longest parade this town has).
We had a dinner party at a friends house on my birthday, then we had a midwife appointment, had someone come level out our backyard, had a doctors appointment, my dad and uncle came into town for a few nights, we had Darrell’s company Christmas party, and we went to Ceder Hill State Park to go camping for the weekend for a Winter Solstice Celebration with the Metroplex Atheists. This was all the first half of the month. 🙂
As you can tell, the camping was full of mud and added a couple inches to our shoes everywhere we walked. It was a little rough that first night and the first morning.
The week after camping, Darrell’s mom came into town, another midwife appointment, an Apocalypse/fugly sweater party with our friends (the most people we have had in our house at one time), Poleeko goes missing for about 12 hours (actively looked for him for 4), started to organize and pack up the house, Christmas day, heater stops working on day after Christmas (18-25 degrees outside), and our house is a mess while we are packing and staging and I am beginning to think we might have to wait a week or so into the new year before it goes up on the market since we haven’t even gotten the last three items fixed in the house that we need to.
Apocalypse Party/Fugly Sweater Party:
We even had Pixel with us. I bought this little ornament since my family custom is to buy an ornament every year for Christmas. I was hoping to start it with Pixel, but since he passed away, I felt that having a “Baby’s first” ornament wasn’t right. I went to Kohls and found this ornament and it just seemed like the best thing for me to get at the time. We put it up near the top of the tree and hopefully it will be a little memento for us every year when we bring out our ornaments.
And of course, there are the pictures of what our cats have been up to. 🙂
There are still 4 more days of this year, so who knows what will happen in those 4 days. I am hoping to finish cleaning and staging the house and we might get close as Darrell has a 4 day weekend. We are going to be going over to a friends house for New Years Eve and we are taking our liquor so that hopefully a decent chunk of it will get drunk and we won’t have to take it with us. 🙂 Then Lorna leaves early on the 1st and our Ultrasound is on the 2nd. So we still have a very busy week ahead of us. I have my fingers crossed we finish doing everything on time. Once I finish staging the house, I will post pictures.