IMG_5572Weekly Updates:

How far along: 17 weeks

Baby’s size: Turnip – Your baby weighs 5 ounces this week — about as much as a turnip. (CRL – 5 inches)

Sleep: So far so good. I am taking naps during the day and just all around taking it easy.

Maternity Clothes: Yep. Even though they aren’t exactly “maternity,” just larger regular clothes.

Food Cravings: Nothing this week. I’ve been good and haven’t eaten a lot of the sweets that I have baked in the last week.

Food Aversions: None at this time.

Symptoms I have: Still have the few zits that haven’t gone away since the beginning of pregnancy. That’s about it though. So far the second trimester is slowly becoming easier.

Doctor’s Appointment: January 2. It is our level II ultrasound, so we are excited to get to see Sprout again.

Movement: Still occasionally, but it is starting to become more regular. There are occasions where I don’t know if it is baby or not, but I am sure it will start to be regular in the next couple of weeks.

Belly Button: Innie.

Gender: Team Green!

What I’m looking forward to: Feeling Sprout kick regularly and our level II ultrasound in 8 days.

What I miss: As we are getting ready to prep the house and move, I kind of miss being able to pack and move boxes on my own.


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