Weekly Updates: 3/8 of the way there!
How far along: 15 weeks
Baby’s size: Apple – Your baby has grown to the size of an apple and weighs about 2.5 ounces. (CRL = 4 inches)
Sleep: Great! Had one night full of nightmares, so I kept waking myself up all night, but that was about it.
Maternity Clothes: Yep. Even though they aren’t exactly “maternity,” just larger regular clothes.
Food Cravings: Still no cravings. But I am hungry all the time.
Food Aversions: None at this time.
Symptoms I have: I have one zit on my chin that will not ripen or go away. It has been there almost this whole pregnancy and Darrell thinks it is funny.
Doctor’s Appointment: Midwife appointment next Wednesday.
Movement: No flutters this week, but I haven’t really focused on trying to find them.
Belly Button: Innie.
Gender: Team Green!
What I’m looking forward to: Still looking forward to Seattle, but not to packing the whole house.
What I miss: I miss being able to wear my blue jeans since it has gotten a lot colder outside. These comfy pants just aren’t cutting in when it comes to the cold wind. I might spend a decent chunk of time in sweatpants if this keeps up.