So for the few of you who aren’t on facebook, we are moving early next year!
Darrell is being allowed to work remotely and will be attending the PMP program at UW. We are excited since this means we get to move to Seattle. It is a big change from Texas, but we will handle it and we are really excited.
We will be able to visit family members that right now, we only see every few years. We will be close enough to see them a few times a year instead. We don’t know how long we will be in Seattle, but it is our first big step to moving back to where we want to be.
Our house will be going up on the market in January so that we can sell it before we move. We are hoping to have it sold and move before the end of March so I will still be in my second trimester and it will be easier to find a doctor to take me. We are pretty sure it will sell in that amount of time since houses in our neighborhood are on the market for an average of 60 days. (A house that is exactly like ours sold in 75 days just a few months ago, so we definitely have our fingers crossed.) We just have to fix up the little things we have put off like the carpet in the closet where Poleeko dug to get out, the baseboards in the laundry room that we forgot to have the builder come back and fix, and we have to level the backyard since we just dumped the dirt from the front yard project into it. It is only a couple of fix-ups but with the holidays, we wanted to give ourselves a full month to prep and then market it. We also have to pack up a chunk of the house so it doesn’t look so cluttered. That should be fun. 🙂
So that is our other big news right now. We are completely jazzed because that means we will be able to go visit friends and family with more reasonable timeframes. Darrell is ready to just pack and go, so as soon as our house is closed on, we are outta here!! 🙂