Today was our first ultrasound. It was the first one where we were looking for how many Sprout(s), making sure they were in the right spot and we should have been able to see a heartbeat(s).
I was right!!! We have one little Sprout in the right spot with an amazing heartbeat! We were so happy to see the heartbeat. Just seeing the heartbeat is one huge step since it brings the chance of miscarriage down to 5%. It is still a high percentage for us, but our last pregnancy was only a 1% chance of it happening, so alas. *shrug*
Sprout is measuring 6w5d and we are sitting at 6w6d. So one day behind isn’t that bad at this point because it is really hard to correctly measure something that is only a couple of millimeters long. Sprout has a heartbeat of about 130 beats per minute (bpm). Which is really strong since at this stage they are hoping for between 120-150, but anything over 100 is considered good.
A couple pictures of our barely recognizable Sprout:
The one on the left is of just Sprout. The one on the right is the measurement of Sprout.
This last one is of the measurement of Sprouts heartbeat.
So now we have another 2 week wait before we get to see Sprout again. Next time we see him/her, there will most likely be arm and leg buds visible and the head will have a little more shape. I’m excited. We have probably 2 more appointments with the Fertility clinic before we are released to our OB and Midwife.
By the way – have I mentioned how much we love our clinic? They are so nice and caring. We saw the second doctor today instead of our normal RE. (We have actually had this second doctor this whole procedure) So tonight, around 7:30, our RE calls to tell us that he is excited for us and making sure we didn’t have any questions. He knows about Pixel and just wanted to reassure us that he will be there for us if we ever have any questions to not hesitate to call. This is like the third phone call from him this cycle just checking on us. I do have to say that leaving this clinic will be hard once we finally move back to the West Coast and I hope we will be able to find an RE just as caring.
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