I didn’t think I would start these updates on here until later in the pregnancy, but I figured why not? 🙂

I look huge compared to last week, but I think a lot of it is bloat. We shall see.

How far along: 6 weeks
Baby’s size: Lentil – Your baby is as long as a lentil (about 1/4 inch).
Sleep: I am still sleeping fine. I am waking up a couple times early in the morning, but it becomes restless sleep until I actually get up. Then I also take naps during the day. I have found that I get to watch things a couple of times because I constantly fall asleep during shows. 🙂
Maternity Clothes: I still fit in my jeans and have been wearing them. They are really tight when I sit down and during certain times of the day. I might actually be back in just my comfy clothes before the 12 week mark.
Food Cravings: We learned that you only crave foods when your body doesn’t have enough of one item. I must be doing a great job on getting what my body needs since I haven’t craved anything.
Food Aversions: It has been weird, but I actually can’t eat a lot of sweets. I tried to eat a small handful of Reeces Pieces, but I couldn’t because they made me sick. So sad. 🙁
Symptoms I have: I am still tired a lot. Getting nauseous, but that has been a lot better recently. I am currently at 4 days of no puking! I am also having a lot of tummy cramps. I know it is just my body adjusting to a growing uterus again, but it still worries me sometimes.
Doctor’s Appointment: Monday! I am really excited for our first ultrasound and picture of our little Sprout. 6 more days!
Movement: None. But I cannot wait until I can feel Sprout moving. It will really put my mind at ease since Pixel only did a lot of rolling. I am hoping this one is a mover and shaker.
Belly Button: Still in, but it won’t take much more until it pops.
Gender: Unknown until birth.
What I’m looking forward to: Ultrasound of our little sprout.
What I miss: Being able to enjoy the pregnancy without feeling anxious. But other than that, I don’t miss anything!

The picture on the right is 5 weeks. The one on the left is 6 weeks. Just so you see what a difference the last 7 days have been. I am hoping that I don’t keep growing at this rate.

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