Today was our 3rd and final ultrasound this cycle. We are ready to trigger and will be doing our Ovidril shot tonight at 10pm. Then we proceed to go in on Tuesday morning for our IUI. I’m hoping for good sperm count as we have some good follicle numbers.
So our follicle numbers today were: 3 on the left at 19, 16, 16. And another 2 on the right at 15, 13.
This means that the left ovary did most of the work this time around as the right follicles didn’t grow any from the last ultrasound, but the left follicles jumped a whole bunch.
These numbers are a little bit off of the last cycle where we triggered with 20, 18, 18, and 12. But we do have an extra follicle in there this time.
So here we go… Prepped for another 2 weeks of straight up waiting. I’m starting to get a little better at that. 🙂
It’s even better since Grey’s Anatomy Season 8 just popped up on Netflix, so I will have something to do for at least a portion of the time.
« Ultrasound #2 IUI #4 »