So with every cycle, I get to take lots of medications. I personally do not like needles. I wasn’t to thrilled when we had moved from pills to injectables. But whatever we have to do to have a baby right? This is our third cycle with injectables, and I have realized that I have gotten better at handling the needles. Not to the point where I could do them myself, but I don’t jump quite as much as normal.

So here is what my nights have consisted of:



Clomid – two pills every night. Today is the last night of these suckers. 🙂








Then we got our big package in the mail of all of the expensive drugs and the needles that go with it.








We start out our night by pulling out what we need for the dose – last night was a double dose night. We are alternating between one dose and two doses nightly.












We take the big long needle off of the syringe and then we put the Q-cap on so we can properly mix the medications









We take the caps off of the vials and then pull 1cc of saline solution into the syringe.We put the saline solution into the vial of powder and swirl it around to dissolve before pulling it back into the syringe.










We then repeat and put the saline/med solution into the second vial of powder and swirl it before pulling it back into the syringe. (If we only have one dose, we don’t have to do this step)









After we are done mixing the medication, we remove the Q-cap and put on the little bitty needle.


Then after cleaning a spot on the belly, we go on the count of 3:








Insert needle and plunge that medication in.



After we finish, we cap the needle, use our (almost full) sharps container to dispose of the needles. Clean up the counter and then wait for the next day.





All in all, this usually takes us about 5 minutes from the time we start pulling out the stuff to the time we are done and mark on the paperwork which side we used and that we did it. We learned the hard way on my first injectable cycle to rotate the shots every night otherwise it really hurts. :/

We also mark which nights are which so that we don’t screw up the doses.

So that is what we have been up to. Looks like fun huh? 🙂

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