I took this HPT yesterday. I spent the day hoping that the blood test would show the same thing that the pregnancy test did and Darrell wanted to wait for the blood results before he got even remotely excited. The second line isn’t quite as dark as it was when I tested for Pixel. I was worried that beta numbers wouldn’t match the HPT and it would be a chemical pregnancy.
Beta results are in: 83. It is a lot lower than Pixel, but every pregnancy has different numbers. The nurse said it is a good strong number and the doctor said that everything looks great. I go back in for another Beta on Thursday, so keep your fingers crossed for a good doubling time.
I am hoping that this little bug sticks and we end up bringing home a healthy baby in June. We still have a couple more beta tests until we get to our ultrasound. The ultrasound won’t be until probably around Oct 15 when I will be 6w6d.
Once Bitten, Twice Shy. This is going to be a very long 36 weeks. (since I am already considered 4 weeks pregnant).
Baby Ross is due June 4, 2013.
We are still cautious about everything as we do know there are a lot of factors in play right now. Please don’t say anything to us on Facebook about the pregnancy. I have temporarily disabled the facebook comments here because of this. I will re-enable them when we are ready to share on Facebook. You can message us privately, comment here, or call us if you so desire. We appreciate all the love and support you have given us in the last 18 months.
Hopefully we will be able to actually finish the nursery we started and add a Baby to the mix.
~S, D, & Baby