Today was our baseline appointment. Everything looks great and we are set to go. I start clomid tonight and then Menopur on Sunday. I’m pumped!!!

I do wish however, that I would have made sure that the three receptionists I talked to this summer, put a note in my file about Pixel. The first question the Dr. had for me was “You are back soon. How’s the baby?” What a gut punch.

But I love my clinic!! Once I told her that we lost Pixel exactly 3 months ago (while being a blathering fool), she asked questions about him and extended her condolences. Then the nurse did the same as the doctor (I wasn’t blathering quite as much). It means a lot to me that they care and like to try to keep up.

We are doing the same protocol as last time. There was a little mix-up for a minute, but was fixed quickly. They filled out the prescription for Follistim instead of Menopur. And Follistim does not work for me. Last time I took it, I stimmed for three weeks and then they had to cancel the cycle.

So now I have my fingers crossed that everything works like a charm just like last time. I have my next ultrasound on Thursday.

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