I know this is a little late, but we were a little busy the last couple weeks. For most of the month of June, we stayed home and found ways to cope with the loss of our son. We had a couple occasions where we got out of the house and did other things.

A week after we lost Pixel, we went to dinner with some dear friends the Hartley’s. They have been there with us from the beginning and know the pain involved with Infertility.




Darrell also had a gig with the Pipers for the Dr. Suess Parade that was going on in Downtown Abilene. He was excited for it because it was the first parade where they let him play the bagpipes and didn’t make him play the drums. It was only like a 3 block parade and it was for the Childrens Art and Literacy Festival (CALF). They did a good job and it was fun seeing a lot of downtown in Suess colors with Suess statues all around. I am mildly interested in seeing what they have planned for next year if we are still here.




They even had the cops wearing Cat in the Hat hats.











Other than those two events, we spent a good portion of our time just sitting in our backyard and enjoying the little bit of nice weather we had been having. The cats enjoyed the fact that we spent a lot of time outside and they were always out there chasing and catching the bugs and grasshoppers. Zedd caught a grasshopper and tried to take it into the house. Darrell noticed and we closed the door before he got there and he dropped the grasshopper and looked at us like “what did you go and do that for?”. I watched a lot of my Netflix and then D played a lot of his computer game (We bought him Skyrim). The cats did a lot of little funny things and I believe that it helped us cope by giving us something else to focus on.

The only other thing we did in June was to prepare for our trip to California. Darrell’s sister, Kendra, got married on June 30 in Boonville. I am working on some posts for that and I will get them posted in the next couple days. There are a lot of post ideas in my head and I am slowly working on them. Since we just got back late on Friday night, it might take me about a week to get them all posted. So keep an eye out. 🙂


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