We have been extremely busy these last two weeks. We have planted the garden for this year, cleaned out the nursery, set up the office/guest room, Scottish Heritage Day at Abilene State Park, and giving Zedd some antibiotics for his feline acne.
For our garden this year, we are hoping things grow and produce like they should. I don’t know if we are being optimistic or not, but we planted a lot of things. We have: 2 zucchini, 4 cucumbers, 2 broccoli, 6 cauliflower, 4 green beans, 6 sweet banana peppers, 6 cubano peppers, 4 cherry tomatoes, 4 yellow pear tomatoes, 4 cherokee purple tomatoes, 2 cabbage, 4 basil bunches, 8 pea bunches, and a thyme bush. We also bought some catnip, but we haven’t planted that yet. We are hoping for a lot of veggies and the ability to share with neighbors and friends. 🙂
We have had a lot of really good weather, so we have all been spending a lot of time outside. I really like this time of year and the awesome weather we get. Glad we haven’t  gotten any of the nasty weather that areas around us have been getting.
We spent our Easter weekend moving the office to the front room so we have an empty room for the nursery. It was a lot of work, but we finally finished the moving part. We don’t quite have everything where we would like it in the new office/guest room, but we are working on it. I will put pictures up later after we get it finished. It might not be until June or so since we have a lot of things planned in the next couple weeks. But they will be up at some point.
Last weekend, Darrell had a gig with the Abilene Pipers at the Abilene State Park for Scottish Heritage Day. We had a lot of fun and it was a gorgeous day for it (even if a little windy :P)
I also realized that yesterday has been 2 years since we closed on the house! Boy does time fly when you actually have stuff to do 🙂
We can’t wait until August and are excited to meet our little Pixel. We still haven’t come up with names, but we still have a couple months. Everything has been looking good at the last couple appointments. I am currently measuring 2 weeks ahead, so who knows what the next few months will bring. We are about 23.5 weeks along with 16.5 to go. Here are some pictures we took in our backyard. The first two were taken on Friday, the last two were taken on Saturday (hence the two separate outfits).
Enjoy your spring!