** I wrote this on Friday and thought that I hit the publish button, but I guess I was a little more tired than I thought. So it’s a few days late, but oh well! 🙂 **
Today is Friday the 13th. It is also the day that we hit 10 weeks. Which means we only have 30 more to go!!!!!
I have good days and I have bad days. Today happened to be a bad day. No matter what I did, I was nauseous. Made work a lot of fun as I was just trying to finish the route so I could go lay down and not puke. (I have yet to actually puke, but the nauseousness has been horrible).
On top of all of that, I think I pulled a muscle in my right lower back. It is so sore that it hurts to walk. Luckily, I have a wonderful husband who pampers me 🙂 I am hoping that it isn’t a pulled muscle and it is just a side effect of the relaxin starting to work and it is just my body readjusting. I shall find out later.
We are in the process of finding a local caregiver so we can be officially released from the RE. We have met with the Midwife in town and are happy with her and definitely talking about having a home birth. (There is only one Midwife in our area. The next closest one is about 1.5 hours away). Because I like to plan for the worst and hope for the best, we want to try to find an OB that will work with the Midwife in case we end up having to go to the hospital. The midwife told us it was a hit or miss. Some OB’s work with her sometimes and then not other times. We are basically in a wait and see game. We have to talk to the insurance to see what they will cover. That might make our decision for us unfortunately.