and then we will be out of the first trimester. It isn’t as though I don’t enjoy being pregnant, I do. The only thing that is making me count down really is this “morning” sickness. When I am at home, it isn’t so bad, but it seems as though getting morning sickness is really affecting my car-sickness.
Usually I am fine in a vehicle as long as I am in the front or driving. But since we flew to California, any time I am in a moving vehicle, I start to get nauseous. Of course, this does not help my job at all. I have really just given in and decided that I am going to be nauseous for about 4 hours a day. I was going to get the doctor to give me something to help, as we can’t afford me to just take a month off of worth, but the meds specify that you can’t operate heavy machinery while on them. Alas, that doesn’t help me. So I am going to be a trooper and just work through it.
Hopefully this will go away during the second trimester. That is what I am hoping for.
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