I drove to Ft. Worth this morning for my ultrasound. I had my fingers crossed that we would see some good numbers and things wouldn’t look hopeless for this cycle.

The appointment started about half an hour late. Seems to be a lot of women doing cycles right now. Gotta love the holidays!

I have 4 good sized follicles. 3 on the right measuring 14, 14, 13 and 1 on the left measuring 12. There are a lot of little ones around, but the RE only measures the larger ones. Which definitely makes the ultrasound nicer on the lady bits. 🙂

So we are looking at two more days of stimulation and then go back for another ultrasound on Wednesday. If the follicles continue to grow like they have been, the doc thinks we shall be triggering on Wednesday night and going in for the IUI on Friday morning.

Fingers crossed for Wednesday appointment!

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