I hope everyone is enjoying their respective Thanksgivings. I know we are. We were not able to travel for this Thanksgiving as we are planning on traveling for Christmas. We decided to spend the day at home making our own small(-ish) meal and enjoying each other.

These are the things I am thankful for:

1.) My wonderful, loving, funny, caring, passionate husband.

2.) Our Family & Friends

3.) Our Cats – Zeddicus & Poleeko – who always seem to know when we need a good laugh.

4.) Science and our RE. – They are what make it possible for Darrell and I to do what we can to try to have a baby. Without them, we would be forced to adopt.

5.) I am also Thankful for everyday that I wake up and go to sleep. We might not like it here in Texas specifically, but we force ourselves to succeed so we will someday be able to move back. So I am thankful as each day comes because it means we are one day closer to our goal.

I hope you all have things you are thankful for. I hope that you express your thanks in many ways instead of just on this holiday.


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