I don’t know if many of you have checked in the last few days, but I decided to change the layout of our webpage. Unfortunately, when I did that, I ended up accidentally preventing myself from being able to log in. (D’oh!)
So I had to have Darrell fix it for me (it’s so nice to have tech support in my own house :P).
Darrell did end up fixing it (as you can tell), and told me that he didn’t like the new layout. So I made him sit here with me and pick one we liked. It took us a little bit and a few changes, but we are happy (for the time being) with what we got
I hope that y’all like the new layout. Darrell changed his website as well (and added a link on the right hand side of the page) if you are so inclined to head over that way. Can’t always tell you what it will be on, but it’s there!