So I went in for the 7th Ultrasound yesterday. Surprisingly (or not) nothing really changed. Some of the smaller ones got a little bigger, but the bigger ones have remained the same since last monday. The nurse just told me that my follicles were there, but they weren’t growing. She couldn’t tell me what our next step was until she talked with Dr. Kaufmann and got the results from the bloodwork back. So I came home and went to work while waiting for the results.

I usually hear from the nurses before 5 so that if I have to order more medication, I can. So when I hadn’t heard from them by 5:30, my hopes started fading.

I finally got the call around 5:45 and it was my worst fears coming true: they were canceling my cycle. 🙁 They said I just wasn’t responding to the medication the way I should be. So,  I have to stop all meds and just wait for my period to start. If it doesn’t start in the next week, then I have to call back and get another med to induce the bleeding.

So next cycle they want to put me on Menopur. That is all fine and dandy, but as we have dropped $3k on this cycle alone, we don’t have the money for another cycle. We have to wait AT LEAST 4 months before we can go again. And there is nothing saying that Menopur will work then. The upside I guess is that we still have the one last vial.

So I now have to put on a brave face and drive bus all week for a bunch of children and then I am suppose to go to a friends daughters wedding to help out on Saturday. It will be a very long week and all I want to do is sit in a long bubble bath with a bottle of wine and a book.

So now Darrell and I look at our finances and see whether we will go on that cruise in April or not. I would rather not be able to go, but that isn’t in the cards right now.


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