I have been trying to not stress over things lately, but yesterday I just couldn’t help it. Yesterday was the first day of school. The morning route was pretty predictable. Not much changed from last year. However, the afternoon was all over the place. I drive the little kids home, so I really have to watch which ones are getting on the bus, where they get off and who is there to pick them up. There was so much going on. I got the kids home but it took a long time. I was running 40 minutes late on my run when I finally was able to pick up the Jr. High and then they were a quick run home. A little bit of backtracking, but not a whole lot. What a day!
Then on top of all of that, Darrell reminded me that I hadn’t started my period yet. I have been having all of the symptoms for the last week, but haven’t actually had the period. So I called our NIC (Nurse in charge) and asked what she wanted to do. When the NIC had called to cancel the cycle, she said to give it a few days and then call her… that was three weeks ago :/ She said yesterday that she could prescribe me medication to induce it if I wanted to, but before she could do that I would have to go in for an ultrasound and do an hpt. That’s exactly what I want to do huh? Let’s take an hpt to see that it’s negative. Thanks but I think I would rather just spend the extra time without a period. Because I stimmed for so long, the NIC said she wouldn’t be surprised if it took another three weeks before my period. So here I sit at 6 weeks past my LMP and nothing to say the end is really close. Trying not to stress since that doesn’t help anything.
Boss just let me know this morning that I am driving for the band this weekend to the football game. Should be nice. No idea when I am leaving or getting back. I just know that I am heading down to the Austin area. Should be fun!