Once again, I drove to Ft. Worth for an Ultrasound.
Once again, my follicles shrunk.
Once again, I have to do another Ultrasound in Ft. Worth on Friday.
Doesn’t that sound like fun?
They did blood work on Monday and today. Monday’s told them that my estrogen was upwards of 900 which is really good. The doctor basically said that it shows that the eggs are maturing, but we aren’t seeing the follicle growing. He estimates that sometime soon my follicles will just explode and there will be a whole lotta big ones 🙂 (hopefully no more than 5, please). We won’t get the blood work results from today until tomorrow since my appointment was around lunchtime (have to do it before 10AM to get results that day).
RE soothed my fears that we are out this cycle and that we will most likely fail. He said that he has had many patients on their first round of injectables whose cycle went crazy during stim time and then they ended up with wonderful follicles and a positive pregnancy test. I’m hoping that’s us.
With the fact that RE keeps upping my daily dose we have spent a lot more on this cycle than we were originally planning. We are hoping that the next ultrasound shows some wonderful follicles otherwise we might have to use some of our own money to pay for the last of the cycle as our HSA is getting low. 🙁
So fingers and toes are crossed. Belly is looking like a drug addict, and I am onto day 13 of my injections! (lucky me gets 2 tonight since there isn’t a full dose left in the old cartridge)
Once again — Think happy thoughts for Friday!