I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. I know that we did.
We were invited to our neighbors party and so we hung out there most of the day.
Around 6:30 cst, my mom texted me to say that they were heading to the hospital because my baby sister was in labor. At 10pm cst, another text saying that she was at 7 and just chilling out. At 11 cst, she is at 9.5 and her water broke. Should be soon. I stayed up and was hanging out even though I should have been in bed since I had to be at work at 8. :/
Finally couldn’t stay awake, so I went to bed. Put the phone on silent and went to sleep. Couldn’t sleep very well (but I haven’t been sleeping well for the last week), so I didn’t get to sleep until around 2.
Hazel Ayn was born at 11:06 pst July 4th coming in at 8lbs 9 oz and 21 inches long.
Congratulations to my beautiful baby sister on her beautiful baby girl!
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