16 million possibilities.

1, possibly 2 targets.

Testing on 7/7/11.

The RE said that things looked good. He said that I didn’t exactly respond the way he would like to have seen to the Clomid, but all it takes is one. If by chance, this cycle doesn’t work, he will be putting me on injectables as well as clomid next cycle. Another positive is that because we only used one vial, we still have a vial available and the RE said that he would do another cycle for us. Which is awesome as we were told we had to have two vials available to do a cycle. YIPEE! (not that I’m hoping we have to do another round, but it’s nice to know :P)

They have put me on a couple medications so far this cycle. I figured I would share a couple pictures:

Clomid (CD3-7):

Estradiol (2 tablets a day from CD 9-?)

Ovidrel Shot (CD 13. Had to have Darrell give it to me as I HATE needles)

Prometrium (CD 17 – ??)

That’s the gist of it. Now for the two week wait. Good thing I have a job to keep me mildly busy 🙂

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