…. I think. :/
We went in for the ultrasound this morning. I had finally gotten everything figured out and the hospital had gotten all of the paperwork and I was scheduled for the right test. It was all good.
I had two women do my ultrasound. One of them was a student at the medical college and the other was her teacher. The student did a lot of the pictures and got some things figured out, but the teacher had to actually do the measurements of the follicles. Normally, I don’t mind when there is a student learning in the room since I know the best way to learn something is to do it. What bothered me was that they kept whispering things to each other and turned the screen away from me and D so that neither of us could see what was going on. We had to keep asking questions. They just kept saying everything looked good. No real definite numbers or anything.
After they finished, we went out for paperwork, and I asked them what the numbers were and the teacher said they had to wait for the radiologist to come in and look at the sheets. I made sure they had the correct number for the RE and stressed that he needed to know by this afternoon. So here I sit waiting on pins and needles for the RE to call and let me know what I am suppose to do. I hate waiting and not knowing.
So until I get a confirmation from the RE, I have no idea if the Clomid worked just right, or if it overworked and I have a canceled cycle.
Pins and needles I tell you… Pins and needles.