I’m excited and a little nervous all at the same time. We have one week until we start our first cycle of IUI. We are hoping for a “beginner’s luck” experience. It is very unlikely for it to work first time around as the doctor and I don’t know how I will react to the medications. This has been such a crazy year with our emotions going up and down with everything that has happened. We are ready for it to just be over (not that it will ever “just be over”), but we are ready to start our family. We are truly happy for everyone who has just gotten or waiting for their new arrival, but it’s hard for us as we have been waiting for almost 2 years for ours. I know it’s no where near as long as some have waited, but for us, it has been a really trying time.

We did just celebrate our two year anniversary and we spent a relaxing day at home doing nothing. It was nice to just sit around and not have to work or do anything. Hopefully that won’t be the case next year 😛

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