UGGG! We are currently in Day 5 of our cycle and things have been looking good so far. We went to my OB for our first ultrasound of the cycle. We went to the OB instead of driving the 2.5 hours to Ft. Worth for a 30 minute appointment 🙂 Wanted to save a little bit of gas and it made it easier for both of us to be there and not take too much time off work.
They have put me on 100 mg of Clomid, so I have to take that till CD7 and then I go in for another ultrasound on CD9 to see how the little follies are doing (hoping for no more than 4). Unfortunately, my OB will be out of town on Friday, so his office assistant made an appointment at the local hospital for the ultrasound. Now this wouldn’t be so bad seen as the hospital is in the same complex as the OB and they work together a lot, but that’s where the problem starts. The office assistant gets me an appointment so I call the RE with the news and the time so they know when to expect the results so they can figure the meds/plan for next week. RE calls me back and tells me I need to make sure that the hospital has the forms that they sent to the OB. No problem.
WRONG! I called the OB again and was told that they could send the forms if they needed it, but they don’t usually do that. I stressed that I needed the forms sent over because the RE needed the results that day so they could order meds. OB assistant proceeds to tell me that the hospital won’t have the results by that day. They won’t have the results until Monday at the earliest. This is completely bogus since I just did an ultrasound on Friday and I know that in the length of time it took me to put my clothes back on after the ultrasound, they had already finished faxing the forms and results to the RE. This leads me to believe (along with a couple other things) that the assistant has me scheduled for the wrong type of ultrasound on Friday.
Not the type of thing I need to be dealing with right now since I am trying to keep my stress level down. I am going to call over to the hospital tomorrow and make sure that they have me down for the correct type of ultrasound, make sure they have the forms from the RE and then before I show up there on Friday, I am going to the OB and getting a copy of the forms from them.
If we have to do this again, maybe I will just start at the hospital and not have to worry about the doctor not being there. Or maybe, we will just suck it up and do the 2.5 hour drive to Ft. Worth for the appointments there and not even have to worry about doing things long distance. I think we can probably manage to make one trip a week to get these tests done.
Grrrr. Just needed to vent to let off some stress. 🙂