So we have finally decided on a donor. I called up the cryobank yesterday only to have a lady tell me that I had to have a signed Terms of Use form on file before I could order. The form she wanted on file said we could fill it out online. The lady on the phone said that we could only fill it out online if we were ordering online, but the donor we want has less than 20 units available, so we are not able to fill it out online. So I asked her if we could put some vials on hold while we got them the form since you have to have the form on file before they could be shipped. The lady wasn’t very nice and said there was nothing she could do for us until we had that form on file. Not even putting some on hold for us.

So we got the form filled out, scanned, and sent in last night. Today, I went to the website to see if there were still vials available, and there aren’t. The donor is now on a waitlist. Which means that if we want to use him, we would have to wait a little over a month before they release more vials. Gah!! What a pita.

At least we have a backup choice, but we have to talk about whether we want to go with the backup or if we want to wait. *sigh*

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