Here we are sitting at just over two weeks and we are still waiting on our genetics test results. The doctor told us that it would take about two weeks, but we needed to wait until three weeks before calling the office. How I am wishing right now that he would have just said it would take three weeks. I have done a lot trying to keep my mind off the waiting, but other than putting myself in a movie coma, it isn’t working. It probably doesn’t help that I am very open at work with what I am going through, so many of the women I work with keep asking me if I have heard back yet.

Infertility has been really hard for both of us, and I understand that it is much harder for D, but it is hard for me as I go to work every day and see these little children (our buses carry our pre-k to school, so there are at least two 3-4 year olds on each bus). It is ridiculously hard to make myself go to work sometimes. I have put in so many extra hours lately to help with the bills and what not and also to keep my mind off it. But it’s hard.

I think it is ridiculous that it costs so much to try to have a baby or going for adoption. Why?? I read online the other day about how they did IVF for an animal somewhere in the South. Now who paid for that? Why are they doing it for animals, but not making it cheaper for couples? Gah! I guess it’s just a rant day for me.

I have found a few websites that I enjoy and they help me laugh at this whole infertility crap. The main one is this one. I haven’t gotten very far, but I have been enjoying what I have read and it is totally making sense to me. I know that even though we have only begun our IF journey, we still have a long way to go.

Here’s hoping for good news in less than 5 days!

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